Monday 21 January 2013

Men In Makeup

How long do you think men have been wearing makeup? Think it's a recent trend set by muscians and social groups likes Emos and Goths? Think again. Men have been wearing makeup since Ancient Egypt...maybe even longer.

Archaeological evidence shows that both men and women in Ancient Egypt wore makeup, such as khol sticks to blacken the eyes, and copper to create rich green eyeshadow. The use of cosmetics was
idespread enough by 4000 BCE for archaeological sites to include makeup containers, a few rare examples of cosmetics, and references to makeup in art and writing from this period. I guess you could say the Egyptians started the trend.

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Makeup spread to other regions after the Egyptians started wearing it.  In the Middle East, makeup was common enough to be mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, and both the Greeks and Romans used makeup. In fact, some Greek societies believed that a woman without makeup might as well be nude. The history of makeup also includes a wide variety of supplementary personal care, including removing unwanted hair from the body and elaborate hairstyles for both men and women.
Above are ancient cosmetic jars used to grind up and store berries, khol, and other naturally pigmented ingredients.

Skip forward to Elizabethan England where a a more natural look became popular, with less heavy rouge and lipstick, while in the Regency era, both men and women used rouge heavily. They even used white powder to "makeup" their hair.

So you can see how far back men have been wearing makeup, just as long as women. So why is it that society these days sees makeup as 'women's business'? Other than actors, men who wear makeup are seen as being effeminate. Why? Men too want to have smooth, even toned skin, eyes that beckon and lips that say "come hither". So i say why not...or should i say "Y" not? After all, David Bowie rocked some pretty wicked makeup in the 80s and he's STILL the man!